Free Consultation on VIOL 3: Adapt to the New Industry Standard with Confidence


The new industry standard, VIOL 3, is expected to go live in May 2025 and is reshaping the forest value chain, impacting a range of factors from sourcing to compliance. At ConiferSoft, we understand the challenges and opportunities this presents for organizations like heating plants, purchasing organizations, sawmills, and pulp mills. To help your organization successfully prepare for these changes, we’re offering a free consultation exclusively for qualifying businesses.


Book Your Free Consultation

How VIOL 3 Affects Your Operations

VIOL 3 brings new compliance and sourcing standards, impacting purchasing, sourcing, and production. Organizations must adapt quickly to maintain operations.

ConiferSoft ensures your systems are ready by upgrading products and integrations to the new format. Without these updates, trading may be disrupted when the transition is complete.


Free Consultation: What to Expect

ConiferSoft’s free consultation offers expert guidance on VIOL 3, helping your business navigate its impact on operations.

Our team ensures your systems are ready by aligning processes and preparing for the transition to the new standards.


Who Should Book a Consultation?

This consultation is intended for organizations in the forest value chain.

As you prepare for the switch to VIOL 3, our consultation will offer crucial guidance, ensuring your business stays ahead of the curve and is well-positioned for the industry’s transition.

Book Your FREE Consultation With ConiferSoft