Supply Chain Software
LogDrive transforms your supply chains by optimizing the transports from forests to production via trucks. Facilitating efficient orders, stakeholder engagement, & user control.
Optimize Your Supply Chain with LogDrive:
Reduced risk of manual errors with digital data chains in transport.
Prevented extension of roadside storage of goods.
Streamlined order delegation through the elimination of manual tasks and paper handling.
Ease of Planning & Execution
Ease of Planning & Execution
All orders are readily visible on maps, conveniently color-coded to facilitate immediate comprehension at a glance.

Seamless Precision in Navigation
Seamless Precision in Navigation
Track your current position while offering precise routing instructions, guiding you from the roadside starting point to the measurement location, and leveraging comprehensive truck and lorry load data.

Effortless Reporting & Integration
Effortless Reporting & Integration
A significant portion of the necessary details auto-populate upon reporting task completion, and LogDrive’s outputs seamlessly integrate into the receiving system, streamlining the verification process upon arrival at the measurement site.

Key Feature
Modern Forest Logistics Management Solution
LogDrive is a modern supply chain software for forest logistics for transporting raw materials from the forest to the production sites by trucks.
LogDrive handles transport-orders by making them available to different stakeholders and includes advanced user management as well as a mobile phone application for logistics companies.
Delegate Requests
- Android app and web platform empower users to effortlessly delegate orders to other relevant parties.
Effortless Load Creation
- User-friendly interface streamlines load creation with minimal user input.
- Only new information not yet within the system needs to be provided.
Comprehensive History
- Both load and inventory events are meticulously recorded and accessible.
- Anyone granted access to the order can review these pivotal historical events.
Position-Related Concerns
- The application offers users the capability to report issues, requirements, or other relevant matters regarding their positions.
Fluently Bilingual
- Seamlessly operable in both Swedish and English languages.

Key Feature
Administrative Access to Company Transport Orders
Administrator privileges grant you the ability to oversee transport orders linked to your company. This principle extends to orders that have been entrusted to your company.
All generated loads are not only observable but also conveniently searchable. The traceability system, overseen by the users executing the transportation tasks, adds an extra layer of control.
Key Feature
Accessible Driver Functionality
Every order destined for the driver is accessible offline, conveniently in list or map view.
Information seamlessly populates reports, eliminating the necessity for user input. This streamlines the process of locating completed tasks and effortlessly submitting job reports.